i saw my dr today and it is suspected that i have something called tachycardia. i am doing the heart monitor test on Thursday(no shower! ack!!! think i'll cancel me pedicure that i have booked Friday morning lol!)
edited to add i changed my pedi to Thursday afternoon so i'm still squeaky clean lol. must have pretty toes!
thanx everyone for all the get well messages and emails. i'm feeling really good today and hope that the drs get the info they need from this monitor because i don't want to do it again lol!
quilt monday
my stress level has reached the breaking point. how do i know? while on the way to the dentist today with Jim, B and M, my heart started racing, i couldn't breath and i passed out. it happened 2 more times-the second time i was on the phone with my mom, Jim was in the dentist. mom called the dentist and Jim came racing out and drove me to the ER.
I ended up having an ECG done, chest xrays and blood work. good news, everything came back normal. bad news, it stress. dr literally told me to hire a nanny(and pay for that exactly how?) he wanted to prescribe me some anti depressants and a tranquilizer and I turned both down. than he wrote in my chart that I was being unco-operative lol.
I have an appointment on Thursday with the hospital here to get a heart monitor that I will have to wear for 24hours. and of course all of this has just caused me more stress. having B and M at the hospital with me for 4 hours wasn't how i planned on spending their ProD day. now everything that i didn't get done today, i'll have to do tomorrow. and yet again, Jim is gone next week. i'm supposed to be going to a huge quilt show on Friday with mom for work. not sure how that is going to work if i have to be wearing this stupid heart monitor(which i've already told mom and Jim i ain't doing!) and the dr was wondering why i'm stressed?
I ended up having an ECG done, chest xrays and blood work. good news, everything came back normal. bad news, it stress. dr literally told me to hire a nanny(and pay for that exactly how?) he wanted to prescribe me some anti depressants and a tranquilizer and I turned both down. than he wrote in my chart that I was being unco-operative lol.
I have an appointment on Thursday with the hospital here to get a heart monitor that I will have to wear for 24hours. and of course all of this has just caused me more stress. having B and M at the hospital with me for 4 hours wasn't how i planned on spending their ProD day. now everything that i didn't get done today, i'll have to do tomorrow. and yet again, Jim is gone next week. i'm supposed to be going to a huge quilt show on Friday with mom for work. not sure how that is going to work if i have to be wearing this stupid heart monitor(which i've already told mom and Jim i ain't doing!) and the dr was wondering why i'm stressed?
Thursday 13

13 yucky smells
1. morning breath
2. feet
3. cat litter
4. the feilds around here one a stretch of sunny days
5. raw meat
6. compost
7. beer
8. feta(but it tastes great!)
9. change rooms
10. most public bathrooms
11. the inside of a moose(don't laugh! its worse if you puncture anything :p)
12. fish
13. dirty hamster cage
tempting tuesday!!-i forgot!!
ack! i can't believe i forgot(okay i thought next Tuesday was the 31st *blush*) so, comment on this post and Thursday night i'll(the random number thingy will lol) pick the winner.
and because there wasn't allot of cards posted last month(i really must change that for May!) you can pick a card from either March or April. good luck!!
and because there wasn't allot of cards posted last month(i really must change that for May!) you can pick a card from either March or April. good luck!!
have to share this email
because its too true!!
I was walking down the street when I was accosted by a particularly dirty
and shabby-looking homeless woman who asked me for a couple of dollars for
I took out my wallet, got out ten dollars and asked, "If I give you this
money, will you buy some wine with it instead of dinner?"
"No, I had to stop drinking years ago", the homeless woman told me.
"Will you use it to go shopping instead of buying food?" I asked.
"No, I don't waste time shopping," the homeless woman said. "I need to spend
all my time trying to stay alive."
"Will you spend this on a beauty salon instead of food?" I asked.
"Are you NUTS!" replied the homeless woman. "I haven't had my hair done in
20 years!"
"Well," I said, "I'm not going to give you the money. Instead, I'm going to
take you out for dinner with my husband and me tonight"
The homeless woman was shocked. "Won't your husband be furious with you for
doing that? I know I'm dirty, and I probably smell pretty disgusting."
I said, "That's okay. It's important for him to see what a woman looks like
after she has given up shopping, hair appointments, and wine."
I was walking down the street when I was accosted by a particularly dirty
and shabby-looking homeless woman who asked me for a couple of dollars for
I took out my wallet, got out ten dollars and asked, "If I give you this
money, will you buy some wine with it instead of dinner?"
"No, I had to stop drinking years ago", the homeless woman told me.
"Will you use it to go shopping instead of buying food?" I asked.
"No, I don't waste time shopping," the homeless woman said. "I need to spend
all my time trying to stay alive."
"Will you spend this on a beauty salon instead of food?" I asked.
"Are you NUTS!" replied the homeless woman. "I haven't had my hair done in
20 years!"
"Well," I said, "I'm not going to give you the money. Instead, I'm going to
take you out for dinner with my husband and me tonight"
The homeless woman was shocked. "Won't your husband be furious with you for
doing that? I know I'm dirty, and I probably smell pretty disgusting."
I said, "That's okay. It's important for him to see what a woman looks like
after she has given up shopping, hair appointments, and wine."
my crafting space
my apologies for not having anything crafty and exciting to post this week. Jim is gone again(been in San Diego since Sunday afternoon) and i'm exhausted lol. why is it that the closer the end of school gets, the more activities the school has the kids do? but i have to say, i am a very proud mommy to say that J was invited to attend the city-wide math challenge tomorrow. it's open to all students in grades 5, 6 and 7-J is in grade 4 and was invited to attend. i was told today that he was tested and he is able to do grade 7 math with no problems! he doesn't get that from me lol!
so i thought i would show a picture of my craft space. i've probably shown this before but if i've forgotten, maybe you have too lol!! this is my table. i LOVE this table. it's counter top height so my back doesn't hurt for leaning over it. 99% of the time i stamp standing up lol. the bins on the end hold all my *loose* stamps and my unmounteds. the bins under the table hold all my leftover fabric scraps that i have deemed still usable lol!

my cardstock and paper is all in the tub in the bottom(sorted by color). the plastic bin on top of that contains all my fibres and prima flowers. the three blue boxes hold my stamp pads and adhesives, scissors etc.
yes, that is my sad collection of SU stamps. i do have an order currently waiting at my SU *dealer*(heehee!) and i have another order ready to place too! the tins on top are cards i've made and the wicker basket next to them hold cards i've received
so i thought i would show a picture of my craft space. i've probably shown this before but if i've forgotten, maybe you have too lol!! this is my table. i LOVE this table. it's counter top height so my back doesn't hurt for leaning over it. 99% of the time i stamp standing up lol. the bins on the end hold all my *loose* stamps and my unmounteds. the bins under the table hold all my leftover fabric scraps that i have deemed still usable lol!

yes, that is my sad collection of SU stamps. i do have an order currently waiting at my SU *dealer*(heehee!) and i have another order ready to place too! the tins on top are cards i've made and the wicker basket next to them hold cards i've received
new toys
a few new exciting(well to me at least lol) goodies to share.

first is a ruler holder-no more of them sliding off my table behind the table lol
now another ruler type gizmo-this is for cutting strips of fabric. if you enlarge the picture(just click on it) you can see that each row has a slit for your rotary cutter to fit in. i haven't tried this yet but looking forward to it!

lastly and my favorite! a cutting board on a lazy susan. when cutting a block, instead of moving it all around, just spin the board! great idea!!

first is a ruler holder-no more of them sliding off my table behind the table lol
now another ruler type gizmo-this is for cutting strips of fabric. if you enlarge the picture(just click on it) you can see that each row has a slit for your rotary cutter to fit in. i haven't tried this yet but looking forward to it!

lastly and my favorite! a cutting board on a lazy susan. when cutting a block, instead of moving it all around, just spin the board! great idea!!

i was tagged
by Marcy
7 things about ME
i've hunted moose-shot my first one 3 weeks before Jim and I got married and had to have my *gun bruise* covered up with make up
i have an obscenely huge collection of baseball and hockey cards
i don't know what my real natural hair color is anymore(how sad is that? lol!!)
i have OCD(and yes i can admitt it :p)
one of my nicknames is Fisher Queen(Jim has never caught a bigger trout than me)
i can play the flute
i've driven(and crashed) a motorcycle
7 things about ME
i've hunted moose-shot my first one 3 weeks before Jim and I got married and had to have my *gun bruise* covered up with make up
i have an obscenely huge collection of baseball and hockey cards
i don't know what my real natural hair color is anymore(how sad is that? lol!!)
i have OCD(and yes i can admitt it :p)
one of my nicknames is Fisher Queen(Jim has never caught a bigger trout than me)
i can play the flute
i've driven(and crashed) a motorcycle
quilt monday

my other denim quilt. pattern for this is called a pineapple quilt. the jean pocket is used as the center of the block with strips around cut out of the jean legs.
this is the first one we tried quilting with mom's long arm machine. usually we just tied them(that killed the fingers let me tell you!)

thanx for stopping by. happy Monday!
tulip festival

pefect day for it too! these are out near Agassiz, Tulip Festival. i ended up ordering some more tulip bulbs-120 of them lol!!
picture quality isn't the best-Jim and i both thought each other had grabbed the camera. good thing his cell phone has one!

snack saturday

this dessert will knock your socks off!
MELT 1 cup Smooth Peanut Butter and 4 squares chopped Baker's White Chocolate(used chocolate instead of the white) on MEDIUM in microwave for 2 1/2 min. Stir until smooth.
WHISK 1 pkg Vanilla Instant Pudding(i used chocolate) with 1 1/2 cups milk. Beat in chocolate mixture. Fold in 1 cup thawed Cool Whip Whipped Topping.
PLACE sliced banana on bottom of 9-in. ready-to-use crumb crust and spoon pudding over top. Chill 1 hr. Top as desired.
April Thangles Block
Thursday 13
another one bites the dust

finished my table quilt up today. it turned out pretty good considering the problems i had with the black pieced blocks.
i have no idea how to quilt this one and no idea when i'll have the time lol. i'm doing two charity quilts tomorrow and have 2 paying quilts as well(yippee)that need to be done by the end of the month. also have my Buggy Barn scrappy cats i want to quilt. i think we need a second longarm machine rofl!!
it was a wednesday
5yrs ago today when i woke up thinking my water had broken. it was just after 6am, i was 32weeks and 3 days pregnant. i wasn't scared-i knew that the local hospital could handle a preemie as early as 32weeks. i got out of bed thinking i would brush my teeth than call Jim(he was working 3 hours south in Seattle) than my parents.
i felt a trickle run down my leg. i grabbed a pillow and wiped my leg and to my horror, it was blood. immediately i went back to bed, laid down on my left side(something to do with laying on your left side helps baby) and called Jim. he told me to call 911 and that he was on his way home.
instead of calling right away, i figured i had to get ahold of my parents. i called and called and called. i even called one of their neighbours(thank goodness i have a memory with phone numbers!) and nothing.
i called 911 around 6:30. they were sending a police officer with the ambulance to stay with A,J and B. i could feel babe moving, i knew it(we didn't know what we were having) was going to be okay. i decided i needed to risk getting downstairs(we had a deadbolt on the door the police wouldn't have gotten through without some difficulty lol), i crawled out of bed and across the room into A's room to wake him up. i figured i needed one of the boys awake before the ambulance and the police came.
i crawled downstairs with A, had him get my purse and unlock the front door. meanwhile i am still dialing my parents with no answer.
just after 7, i called a friend. it wasn't until i spoke with her that i realized just what was going on. she agreed to come over until my mom got there.
the ambulance and police arrived around 7:10. checked me all out, babe was registering fine. we were just about to leave when my friend got there.
i was rushed into our local hospital. once there, i was hooked up to monitors and giving various shots(steroids to help babes lungs, a blood clotter and something to stop my contractions). the nurses asked me the name of my OB, the looks on their faces when i said i didn't have one said it all.
mom arrived around 8:30, Jim just a few minutes later(still amazed that he never got pulled over for speeding!) my dr wandered in around 9:30. he asked if the nurses had called my OB. i informed my dr that he hadn't assigned me to one(i was diagnosed with placenta previa in January during a routine ultra sound. my dr said at the time that the previa wasn't a concern and that the placenta would move out of the way before i went into labor) dr literally went white and ran from the room.
after that, it was a waiting game. i was stable, babe was stable. mom, Jim and myself were all under the impression that i would be having babe in the very near future. in fact, when i left for the hospital, i had told A,J and B that we would be having the baby before i came home.
just after lunch, there was a flurry of activity. a woman was brought in at 30weeks pregnant and in full labour. i was getting bumped. the nurses informed me that i was being sent to another hospital 45minutes away. i had had my ultrasound, baby looked good, they said there was no time to waste.
the transfer ambulance got there within 15minutes. i was getting loaded when one of the attendants asked Jim if he was following. the driver said not to, that we would be under full lights and sirens and off we went. we made the drive in 16minutes.
i was brought into a labour room and hooked back up to the machines. Jim arrived a little while later. nurses said that i was being assigned an OB and they would be in later that day to talk to me.
it wasn't until after dinner(i was allowed nothing to eat all day) that the OB arrived and we were shocked into reality. i was not having our baby. i was being placed on bedrest at the hospital until babes lungs were mature enough to be delivered(they scheduled me for an amino May 13th at 10am) or i hemorrhaged badly enough to have to deliver immediately. end of story.
over the next few weeks, i was brought into the preemie ward once a week and shown a baby that had been born at where i was in my pregnancy. given a list of what would be wrong at that time and brought back to my room. i was sent to BC Women's Hospital to meet with a hematologist. turns out i have a very rare antibody in my blood. every 72hours(3 days) blood was being thawed for me in case i hemorrhaged. if it wasn't needed, the blood was then disposed of). my OB was hoping i could donate enough of my own blood just in case. it wasn't possible. i was allowed out for dinner once with Jim. i had to go in a wheelchair. it exhausted me so much we didn't try it again.
i was allowed to shower every second day and was timed. i was allowed out of bed once/day to walk to the door of my room and back(i was sharing a room with one other patient). i had a blood test every day to check my blood levels; if it got too low, they would operate immediately. my arms were covered with bruises. my veins started collapsing and before each test, the nurses would wrap my arms in hot towels to expand the veins. it was agonizing to be on the maternity floor and see mommies being brought in with their newborns while i waited for D day.
it still amazes me at who came to see me. Jim came almost every day(his work was amazing. he travels, work went above and beyond in their support of us) he brought the boys once or twice a week. it was exhausting for me and confusing for them. my parents came a few times a week. i really discovered who my friends were in who visited, sent cards/letters. my extended family came within the first 3 days of being admitted, i didn't see them there again.
about 2 weeks into my *stay*, it was a Thursday night, survivor was just about to start. the nurse came to do my evening check(temp, blood pressure, quick listen to babe) i should mention, in the first few days we were given the choice of finding out what we were having. we decided to know just in case the worse happened. i jokingly said to her that i was going to have M that night. she asked if everything was okay. i told her that when i was rushed in, i saw a rainbow from the ambulance window *following* the ambulance. there was a rainbow across the sky that night. she laughed and told me to have a good night.
wouldn't you know, a few hours later i woke up bleeding. quick call to Jim, i was raced to the labour floor. given another steroid shot and told the bleed wasn't bad enough for me to deliver. this happened 2 more times, the third time i didn't even bother calling Jim, i knew nothing was going to happen. it became completely routine for me to have a shower and be bleeding, to go to the bathroom and be bleeding. the one thing you are told to panic with while pregnant was becoming completely ordinary to me
that is all i'm going to write on this story now. will finish up on M's birthday
i felt a trickle run down my leg. i grabbed a pillow and wiped my leg and to my horror, it was blood. immediately i went back to bed, laid down on my left side(something to do with laying on your left side helps baby) and called Jim. he told me to call 911 and that he was on his way home.
instead of calling right away, i figured i had to get ahold of my parents. i called and called and called. i even called one of their neighbours(thank goodness i have a memory with phone numbers!) and nothing.
i called 911 around 6:30. they were sending a police officer with the ambulance to stay with A,J and B. i could feel babe moving, i knew it(we didn't know what we were having) was going to be okay. i decided i needed to risk getting downstairs(we had a deadbolt on the door the police wouldn't have gotten through without some difficulty lol), i crawled out of bed and across the room into A's room to wake him up. i figured i needed one of the boys awake before the ambulance and the police came.
i crawled downstairs with A, had him get my purse and unlock the front door. meanwhile i am still dialing my parents with no answer.
just after 7, i called a friend. it wasn't until i spoke with her that i realized just what was going on. she agreed to come over until my mom got there.
the ambulance and police arrived around 7:10. checked me all out, babe was registering fine. we were just about to leave when my friend got there.
i was rushed into our local hospital. once there, i was hooked up to monitors and giving various shots(steroids to help babes lungs, a blood clotter and something to stop my contractions). the nurses asked me the name of my OB, the looks on their faces when i said i didn't have one said it all.
mom arrived around 8:30, Jim just a few minutes later(still amazed that he never got pulled over for speeding!) my dr wandered in around 9:30. he asked if the nurses had called my OB. i informed my dr that he hadn't assigned me to one(i was diagnosed with placenta previa in January during a routine ultra sound. my dr said at the time that the previa wasn't a concern and that the placenta would move out of the way before i went into labor) dr literally went white and ran from the room.
after that, it was a waiting game. i was stable, babe was stable. mom, Jim and myself were all under the impression that i would be having babe in the very near future. in fact, when i left for the hospital, i had told A,J and B that we would be having the baby before i came home.
just after lunch, there was a flurry of activity. a woman was brought in at 30weeks pregnant and in full labour. i was getting bumped. the nurses informed me that i was being sent to another hospital 45minutes away. i had had my ultrasound, baby looked good, they said there was no time to waste.
the transfer ambulance got there within 15minutes. i was getting loaded when one of the attendants asked Jim if he was following. the driver said not to, that we would be under full lights and sirens and off we went. we made the drive in 16minutes.
i was brought into a labour room and hooked back up to the machines. Jim arrived a little while later. nurses said that i was being assigned an OB and they would be in later that day to talk to me.
it wasn't until after dinner(i was allowed nothing to eat all day) that the OB arrived and we were shocked into reality. i was not having our baby. i was being placed on bedrest at the hospital until babes lungs were mature enough to be delivered(they scheduled me for an amino May 13th at 10am) or i hemorrhaged badly enough to have to deliver immediately. end of story.
over the next few weeks, i was brought into the preemie ward once a week and shown a baby that had been born at where i was in my pregnancy. given a list of what would be wrong at that time and brought back to my room. i was sent to BC Women's Hospital to meet with a hematologist. turns out i have a very rare antibody in my blood. every 72hours(3 days) blood was being thawed for me in case i hemorrhaged. if it wasn't needed, the blood was then disposed of). my OB was hoping i could donate enough of my own blood just in case. it wasn't possible. i was allowed out for dinner once with Jim. i had to go in a wheelchair. it exhausted me so much we didn't try it again.
i was allowed to shower every second day and was timed. i was allowed out of bed once/day to walk to the door of my room and back(i was sharing a room with one other patient). i had a blood test every day to check my blood levels; if it got too low, they would operate immediately. my arms were covered with bruises. my veins started collapsing and before each test, the nurses would wrap my arms in hot towels to expand the veins. it was agonizing to be on the maternity floor and see mommies being brought in with their newborns while i waited for D day.
it still amazes me at who came to see me. Jim came almost every day(his work was amazing. he travels, work went above and beyond in their support of us) he brought the boys once or twice a week. it was exhausting for me and confusing for them. my parents came a few times a week. i really discovered who my friends were in who visited, sent cards/letters. my extended family came within the first 3 days of being admitted, i didn't see them there again.
about 2 weeks into my *stay*, it was a Thursday night, survivor was just about to start. the nurse came to do my evening check(temp, blood pressure, quick listen to babe) i should mention, in the first few days we were given the choice of finding out what we were having. we decided to know just in case the worse happened. i jokingly said to her that i was going to have M that night. she asked if everything was okay. i told her that when i was rushed in, i saw a rainbow from the ambulance window *following* the ambulance. there was a rainbow across the sky that night. she laughed and told me to have a good night.
wouldn't you know, a few hours later i woke up bleeding. quick call to Jim, i was raced to the labour floor. given another steroid shot and told the bleed wasn't bad enough for me to deliver. this happened 2 more times, the third time i didn't even bother calling Jim, i knew nothing was going to happen. it became completely routine for me to have a shower and be bleeding, to go to the bathroom and be bleeding. the one thing you are told to panic with while pregnant was becoming completely ordinary to me
that is all i'm going to write on this story now. will finish up on M's birthday
figures lol
i posted last week about this quilt and how frustrated i was with the block not going together. i worked on the half blocks yesterday and they went together just perfectly! 
i got the borders put together. look how nicely it fits
i also got the main body of the quilt together. tomorrow i'll trim it(this did not go together as well as the borders. grrrrr)
and get the borders on

i got the borders put together. look how nicely it fits

i also got the main body of the quilt together. tomorrow i'll trim it(this did not go together as well as the borders. grrrrr)

quilt monday

this is one of two different denim quilts i've made. you use old jeans, cut them up than into strips. for this quilt, you pick a size of block(if i remember right these are 8inches)you than cut that size square of of paper(i used typing paper. thinner than regular paper but isn't as thin as tracing paper) you sew the strips to the paper at an angle. fun part is you can overlap the strips to make them as wide or as narrow as you like.
than you sew the blocks together in groups of 4, add the sashings and sew the quilt together. once the top is together, you get the fun job of taking all the paper off the back(be prepared for a BIG mess lol) i tied this quilt. once you get batting(polyester in this one to make it puffy) and the backing(cotton on this one)it makes for a very heavy cozy quilt.
delayed snack saturday
this is a big family favorite here and is soooo easy to make!
Crockpot Beef Dip
place roast(i just used whichever type i find first in the freezer lol)in crockpot(and i've done this all the time straight from the freezer as well)
add hot water until roast is roughly 3/4s covered
add wortechsire(that is sooo spelt wrong! lol!) sauce, beef oxo, some garlic. cover and cook on high for at least 6 hours
when finished, cut roast in thin pieces, serve on toasted buns with gravy(just scoop the sauce out of the crock pot. no need to thicken it as it should be thin. you may want to add some salt to it) to dip
Crockpot Beef Dip
place roast(i just used whichever type i find first in the freezer lol)in crockpot(and i've done this all the time straight from the freezer as well)
add hot water until roast is roughly 3/4s covered
add wortechsire(that is sooo spelt wrong! lol!) sauce, beef oxo, some garlic. cover and cook on high for at least 6 hours
when finished, cut roast in thin pieces, serve on toasted buns with gravy(just scoop the sauce out of the crock pot. no need to thicken it as it should be thin. you may want to add some salt to it) to dip
successful day

went to mom's this afternoon to work on our new website(okay so Jim did that lol) while mom and i had a chance to sew. i had two goals, first to get that stupid Buggy Barn quilt done and guess what? its all together!! WOO HOO! went waaaay faster than we thought(mom was just finishing hers when we left) will hopefully get it quilted next week
isn't it funny
card friday
we have a winner!
i used a random number generator and it picked #26 JENNIFER! congrats! email me which 6 stamps you'd like and your mailing info and i'll get that off to you.
thanx for playing everyone :)
thanx for playing everyone :)
giveaway alert! *sticky*
spent today working on my kitchen quilt. i am soooooo unhappy with this pattern! spent most of the day taking apart and resewing-the blocks just do not line up. i double checked my seam allowances, the measurement of my strips. its all what it should be and yet this is what i've been dealing with all day
you can see in the top left corner how the edges don't match. i had to take all the strips apart and make my seam a very narrow 1/4 inch-its almost an 1/8th of an inch on some just to get the yellow to chain correctly through the blocks. thankfully there are only 4 of these blocks to complete!
was getting close to completely them(i really want to get this finished up so i can finally get started on my double wedding ring!), was just putting the last row of strips on and discover this as i am pining the strips
look how far out that is!!! uggggggggggh! i'm 100% positive that the cutting instructions were wrong in this. hopefully mom can give me a hand tomorrow. i'm hoping the 6 half blocks of these won't be this bad!

was getting close to completely them(i really want to get this finished up so i can finally get started on my double wedding ring!), was just putting the last row of strips on and discover this as i am pining the strips

take a peek on the left
i added a subscriber function to my blog so you can stay up to date every day
woo hoo!
look what MrMailman just delivered!

can't wait to play with them!
edited to add that i bought them from Treasures in Paradise. Bren is great to deal with.

can't wait to play with them!
edited to add that i bought them from Treasures in Paradise. Bren is great to deal with.
almost finished
yard work

got all these rocks yesterday and can you believe we need more?
and a huge THANK YOU to Jim's brother Peter for stopping by on their way home from Kamloops. we feed them dinner and Peter helped Jim move all the rocks :D this is as far as we got today. need more dirt and a few more BIG rocks to finish it off. will have to wait until next weekend now unless we luck out and find a store open tomorrow

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