wordless wednesday


Tracy.H said...

Okay...I know it is wordless wednesday...but what in world is this??

Shelley: the Dread Pirate Rodgers said...

it looks suspiciously like an alley in San Luis Obispo, CA that is utterly COVERED with ABC gum (Already Been Chewed). Gross; disgusting ... oh those silly college kids! :-)

I've walked through it many times when my oldest daughter was attending CalPoly.

I walked in the very center of the alley and tried very hard NOT to have any part of the walls touch me. I think I might have even run the last couple of yards. [grin]

Anonymous said...

There's another ally near Pike's Market in Seattle that has chewed gum all over the walls!

Anonymous said...

There's another ally near Pike's Market in Seattle that has chewed gum all over the walls!

Sarah said...

eeewwww..... I enlarged it to see what it really was, and gagged. That is just nasty.

mumziepooh said...

I think it is the wall in the alley at Pikes Market - if you look very closely you can see where my family deposited their gum - it was disgusting!

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