call me crazy

but don't really because it would hurt my feelings.

When I was at Quilts Canada, Jen brought fabric for use on the longarm machines. Beautiful wide-back Portobello Market Fabric.

After the show, Jen was going to toss the used fabric in the garbage. WHAT? I quickly said I would take it. It would be the perfect backing fabric for my Pinwheel Sampler, so I brought it home.

I have slowly, oh so slowly lol, been ripping out the stitches. It measures 10ft long and 54inches wide.

Lots and lots AND LOTS of stitches to take out.

Anyone want to come help?


Andy said...

I'll come help...can we watch NM while we rip? Disclaimer: I probably won't get much done...

Lorie said...

Oh, my...that is dedication girl! I would go bug eye!

Peggi said...

Ok, I won't call you crazy. See? This is me, NOT calling you crazy. Tee hee.

We all have our own brand of crazy. I've been called crazy because I've been known to make ridiculously tiny quilts, too small to even use as a hot pad. But I like the challenge. I'm thinking either you are very very thrifty, or you kinda like challenges, too. :)

Sarcastic Quilter said...

Um, really? What's a synonym for crazy that won't hurt your feelings? -wink- just kidding. that is one big project!

Elizabeth said...

Yikes! What a project! I guess you'll be able to catch up with your favorite TV programs (ha, ha!).

Marianne Penner said...

Oh my goodness, love it, I would have done the same thing but that is a huge job!

Edna said...

That's a huge task but I'd probably do the same thing too... Next time, try to get them to use a water soluble thread in the bobbin ;-)

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