in the zone
Went into work for a few hours today to help out with our big inventory sale. I was hoping I could get mom's Christmas present quilted while I was there.
It turned out to be one of those fantastic days where everything goes right. Not only did I get mom's quilt quilted, but I got TWO more as well!

Things were going so well that I was really, really, REALLY tempted to start a fourth quilt but mom told me to get home lol. Plus she was afraid I wouldn't get it finished tonight and she needs her machine to finish dad's Christmas present. From last year. lol!!

Two of the quilts I did today were pieced by a dear family friend. Mom and I regularly clean out our scrap bins and fabric stashes and give all the fabrics to Donna. Donna makes many many many quilts every year and sends them off to orphanages around the world. She surprised us back in September with 4 quilts she had made for my boys with fabrics from us. Two of those quilts I got done today.
Someone already loves his.
It turned out to be one of those fantastic days where everything goes right. Not only did I get mom's quilt quilted, but I got TWO more as well!

Things were going so well that I was really, really, REALLY tempted to start a fourth quilt but mom told me to get home lol. Plus she was afraid I wouldn't get it finished tonight and she needs her machine to finish dad's Christmas present. From last year. lol!!

Two of the quilts I did today were pieced by a dear family friend. Mom and I regularly clean out our scrap bins and fabric stashes and give all the fabrics to Donna. Donna makes many many many quilts every year and sends them off to orphanages around the world. She surprised us back in September with 4 quilts she had made for my boys with fabrics from us. Two of those quilts I got done today.
Someone already loves his.

We had a wonderful Christmas this year. Celebrated Christmas Eve with a lovely candlelight service at church than came home and fondued. First time we've done hot oil with the kids and they all loved it.

This year Jim and I wrapped presents before Christmas Eve, usually we do them after all our guests go home. Glad we didn't wait as we had a few left to wrap and were still up until 2am lol.
Our kids are great; this was the earliest I think they have gotten up on Christmas morning; 7:15. And I chased them all back to bed. Rule is not before 8am.

Than we did stockings, had breakfast, got dressed and waited for my parents to come join in the fun. And yes, more presents to add under the tree.

I got not 1, not 2 but THREE boxes of Purdys chocolates-yum!

A whole whack of Twilight/New Moon goodies. My 14yr old got me the calendar; how funny is that? lol

Some more charms to add to my pandora bracelet

My parents got us the ottoman to match my new red chair. I sooooo love this chair!

Than we did it all again at my parent's place on Boxing Day.

This year Jim and I wrapped presents before Christmas Eve, usually we do them after all our guests go home. Glad we didn't wait as we had a few left to wrap and were still up until 2am lol.
Our kids are great; this was the earliest I think they have gotten up on Christmas morning; 7:15. And I chased them all back to bed. Rule is not before 8am.

Than we did stockings, had breakfast, got dressed and waited for my parents to come join in the fun. And yes, more presents to add under the tree.

I got not 1, not 2 but THREE boxes of Purdys chocolates-yum!

A whole whack of Twilight/New Moon goodies. My 14yr old got me the calendar; how funny is that? lol

Some more charms to add to my pandora bracelet

My parents got us the ottoman to match my new red chair. I sooooo love this chair!

Than we did it all again at my parent's place on Boxing Day.

quilt monday

It is Monday right? lol. Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas! We are having our third family gathering today *whew*! Later today I'll do a post-Christmas post.
This is one of the Christmas presents I made this year. And if you are wondering, I got them all finished except for Mom's. That I finished yesterday; well, the top is finished, I'll quilt it tomorrow.
I love these wonky trees. I think I'll have to make one for myself too now.
snack saturday

Easy Fruit Tart
1/2 block (1/2 of 397-g pkg.) frozen puff pastry, thawed
1 pkg. (4-serving size) Vanilla Instant Pudding
1 cup cold milk
1 cup thawed Whipped Topping
1 cup quartered fresh strawberries
1 can (10 fl oz/284 mL) mandarin oranges, drained
1 kiwi, peeled, sliced and halved
3 Tbsp. Apricot Jam
2 tsp. water
1 square White Chocolate, melted
HEAT oven to 400ºF.
ROLL out pastry on lightly floured surface to 11-inch square. Place on baking sheet. Fold over edges of pastry to form 1/2-inch rim. Prick pastry sheet with fork. Bake 10 to 15 min. or until puffed and golden brown. Cool completely. Place on serving tray.
BEAT pudding mix and milk in large bowl with whisk 2 min. Stir in Cool Whip; spread onto centre of pastry.
ARRANGE fruit in rows over pudding mixture. Mix jam and water; brush over fruit. Drizzle with melted chocolate. Let stand until chocolate is firm. Serve immediately. Or refrigerate until ready to serve.
it's Christmas Eve
Are you ready? Almost am here. Sadly, mom's quilt has suffered because of it. It's all good, she'll be thrilled with it(the parts I have finished that I can show her) and I should have it all finished and quilted by Sunday.

This is one of the Christmas cards I sent out this year. Love this Dasher stamp!

This is one of the Christmas cards I sent out this year. Love this Dasher stamp!
The last week I was longarming, we had two customers show up to have quilts done with no appointment. Because the quilts were small, I agreed to do them. Both were completed overnight of the customer dropping them off which made them so happy.

This quilt was pieced with authentic Kona fabrics from Hawaii. Gorgeous! I love how the pattern, Oriental Clouds, shows up on the back.

I got this kit 3 years ago for Christmas and quilting this quilt made me go home and cut out my kit(and yes, that is as far as I've gotten on it lol)

Quilted with Floral Meander.

This quilt was pieced with authentic Kona fabrics from Hawaii. Gorgeous! I love how the pattern, Oriental Clouds, shows up on the back.

I got this kit 3 years ago for Christmas and quilting this quilt made me go home and cut out my kit(and yes, that is as far as I've gotten on it lol)

Quilted with Floral Meander.
We do a lot of longarm quilting for seniors. Doreen came to us in early November with a quilt she had made for her daughter. She wanted bamboo batting which we didn't have so she said she would return with some.
A few weeks went by and Doreen hadn't returned. Than we got a phone call from Doreen's husband. Doreen had suddenly passed away. It was completely unexpected to everyone. And would we be willing to finish her quilt?
Of course we said yes. Her husband dropped off the batting Doreen had bought and had sitting at home and some extra fabric. We were going to finish up the binding as well.

It's a beautiful quilt. Doreen had gotten a Japanese fabric for the backing that was stunning. My heart is heavy with the thoughts of Doreen's family on Christmas with a loss so close. And her daughter receiving this extra special gift from her mom.
Quilted with Morning Glory.
A few weeks went by and Doreen hadn't returned. Than we got a phone call from Doreen's husband. Doreen had suddenly passed away. It was completely unexpected to everyone. And would we be willing to finish her quilt?
Of course we said yes. Her husband dropped off the batting Doreen had bought and had sitting at home and some extra fabric. We were going to finish up the binding as well.

It's a beautiful quilt. Doreen had gotten a Japanese fabric for the backing that was stunning. My heart is heavy with the thoughts of Doreen's family on Christmas with a loss so close. And her daughter receiving this extra special gift from her mom.
Quilted with Morning Glory.
i will not panic

Nope, won't do it. Christmas is 3 days away and I'm still not finished. In fact, I haven't even started 1 gift yet and it's the big one. Will Christmas be ruined if it isn't finished in time? Nope.
Here's the summary of what I accomplished yesterday. All 6 hangings are now pinned and ready to buttonhole/quilt(I do the buttonholing right through all the layers and than it just needs ditched and done!) Sadly, my iron died last night too. I was able to get the backings ironed and than it was dead. *sigh* Could have been worse. I'm hoping I just overused it yesterday; fingers crossed.
Still not going to panic. I have tomorrow to spend quilting too. Than I'll worry about the baking for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. And get the house cleaned. And pick up the last few groceries. And in the end, it will all get done. And if it doesn't; it's all still good.
quilt monday

Been working hard today to get my quiltie Christmas gifties finished. This is one of them. I will be making 6 of these, 3 are completed and delivered. The other 3 will be buttonholed and quilted tonight.
And I have to show you what a friend of mine gave me the other day. Love it! Except I hope there is more Edward chocolate inside ;)

Back to my sewing machine!! Anyone else not finished their Christmas quilting yet?
snack saturday

Mint Thins
1 pkg. (8 squares) Semi-Sweet Chocolate
1/4 tsp. peppermint extract
36 RITZ Crackers
1 peppermint candy cane (6 inch), crushed
MICROWAVE chocolate in small microwaveable bowl as directed on package. Stir until completely melted. Blend in extract.
DIP crackers in melted chocolate, completely coating crackers with chocolate. Carefully scrape off excess chocolate. Place on waxed paper-covered baking sheets; sprinkle with crushed candy.
REFRIGERATE 30 min. or until chocolate is firm.
happy times
Marie is another new longarming customer for us. This is the second quilt she has made and her piecing was dead-on. She made this quilt for her daughter.

Quilted with Happy Times and a SoFine thread.
And when Marie came to pick up her quilt, she surprised us with a beautiful limey green rose. Thanx again Marie! Sadly mine is looking a little ravaged thanx to a certain beastly cat who thinks this is a special treat for him lol.

Quilted with Happy Times and a SoFine thread.
And when Marie came to pick up her quilt, she surprised us with a beautiful limey green rose. Thanx again Marie! Sadly mine is looking a little ravaged thanx to a certain beastly cat who thinks this is a special treat for him lol.


I was digging through my fabrics looking for a specific green fabric when I found this panel. I have no idea when I got it but figured since it is so little, I could squeeze it in for quilting.
I managed to quilt it up on Monday. Now to get the binding on. I have the perfect spot for it.
Quilted with Cotton.
new customers
Juanita is one of my newer longarm customers and has become one of my favorites. She doesn't drive, so we usually pick up/drop off her quilts or meet her at one of our local quilt stores.
Juanita took advantage of our fall sale and brought in a few quilts for us to do. My favorite is this black and white one. I love the pop of colors. Juanita designed the quilt herself. It is so striking!
Quilted with Twilight.

Quilted with Floral Meander.

Quilted with Daisies and Loops.
Juanita took advantage of our fall sale and brought in a few quilts for us to do. My favorite is this black and white one. I love the pop of colors. Juanita designed the quilt herself. It is so striking!
Quilted with Twilight.

Quilted with Floral Meander.

Quilted with Daisies and Loops.

quilt monday
About 5 years ago, I used to have wall hangings and table runners in a local store for sale. Whenever I made a little something, I would make two. One for me, one for the store.
The store closed and I ended up with lots of quilty goodies. I sold off/gave away all of them. At least that is what I had thought.
Mom was pulling out her Christmas stuffs a few weeks ago when she found a bin full of Christmas quilties that I had had for sale. And wouldn't you know it, I already had one of each of what was in the bin.
I was pretty excited; got to cross of some Christmas projects with the finding these.
Here are two of them. Sorry for the picture; it's late. I meant to do this post when I got home from work but we had piano lessons than a mad dash out to the mall for bigger sized snow boots(the two kids that needed boots wear the same size. and they wanted the same boot. and there was only 1 pair left in their size) and a heavier, thicker hoody for our oldest who refuses to wear a coat(can anyone else relate? lol) Than it was off to church for the kids' Christmas practice, some laundry when we got home and here we are lol.

4 more days of school until Christmas holidays-yay!!
The store closed and I ended up with lots of quilty goodies. I sold off/gave away all of them. At least that is what I had thought.
Mom was pulling out her Christmas stuffs a few weeks ago when she found a bin full of Christmas quilties that I had had for sale. And wouldn't you know it, I already had one of each of what was in the bin.
I was pretty excited; got to cross of some Christmas projects with the finding these.
Here are two of them. Sorry for the picture; it's late. I meant to do this post when I got home from work but we had piano lessons than a mad dash out to the mall for bigger sized snow boots(the two kids that needed boots wear the same size. and they wanted the same boot. and there was only 1 pair left in their size) and a heavier, thicker hoody for our oldest who refuses to wear a coat(can anyone else relate? lol) Than it was off to church for the kids' Christmas practice, some laundry when we got home and here we are lol.

4 more days of school until Christmas holidays-yay!!
snack saturday

Pear Upside-down Cake
¹/³ cup unsalted butter, plus extra for buttering pan
1¼ cups brown sugar
2 cans (398 mL) Bartlett pear halves or slices
1 box (18.5 oz) lemon cake mix*
3 tbsp cornmeal
*Cake mix calls for: 3 eggs, 1 to 1 ¼ cups water and ¹/³ cup oil
Preheat oven to 350°F.
Melt butter in microwave. Add brown sugar and microwave 90 seconds or until bubbly and sugar dissolves.
Pour half of the syrup in each buttered cake pan. Tilt pan to distribute evenly. Don’t worry if it doesn’t completely cover bottom. Arrange fruit cut side down in a pretty pattern. Slice extra thick pieces so entire pan is covered in fruit.
When preparing cake mix, add 3 tbsp of cornmeal prior to adding wet ingredients indicated on the box.
Pour half of cake mix (2¼ cups) in each pan over fruit.
Bake in a preheated 350°F oven for 30 minutes, or until toothpick comes out clean when inserted in cake’s centre and cake has pulled away from sides of pan.
Immediately after removing cake from oven, run a knife around edge of cake to loosen. Use a large (10-inch minimum) plate held on top of cake pan. Flip pan over and gently remove cake.
For best results, use two 9-inch round cake pans. Plan to bake this cake while you're eating dinner so you can serve it immediately
christmas at our house
I LOVE Christmas and usually go all out but this year I've pared things down quite a bit. Mostly because I just haven't had the time but also I want things simpler, cleaner. I thought I would take you on a tour of our house now.
In our dining room. I completely forgot I had bought the twig ball thingies last year. Jim is going to freak when he realizes I made holes in the new wall lol.

This is *my* tree. It's our main tree; it has all my fancy matching decorations and is usually themed. This is the second year I've gone brown and gold and I love it. And I really love my white pumpkin under the tree!

I love this picture. Why you ask? Because the wall is DONE!! And it looks fabulous. Before you say anything, the corner where the red wall and the brown wall meet, I thought I had some red paint leftover. Well, I don't lol. So that will need repainted in January.

The red chair was a birthday present and it finally arrived yesterday; only 9 days later than we were told lol. I'm so glad we finally have it. And now I am thinking that we should have gotten the ottoman to match. Maybe Santa will bring it ;)
Just after I took this next picture, Gizmo jumped up and attacked my little dried flower tree and pulled off most of the flowers :( Monster. So it's been put away. Maybe I can enjoy it next year lol.

I saw this next tree last year at a Christmas open house sale. I went back a few days later after kicking myself for not buying it. I was happily surprised that it was still there.

And because of that little tree, my kitchen Christmas decorating has changed this year. This runner usually sits on our piano bench during the holidays. But this year I could not find the Christmas table topper that normally goes in the kitchen(where it is I have no idea!!) So I put this in here and realized it matches my little tree. I think after Christmas I'll have to hit a few sales and look for some gingerbread themed decorations and go crazy with that theme in the kitchen for next year ;)

One of my new favorite spots in the house is right at our front door. This is an old sewing machine that I just got and it fits perfect. I am putting all our received Christmas cards in the star box; it is perfect! And yes, another white pumpkin! I saw on a blog in October about saving white pumpkins for Christmas and I am so glad I did. I love how unexpected they are. And if you know who blogged about them, please let me know so I can credit them for the idea. I may paint this in the new year; I haven't decided yet. I sort of like the oldness of it unpainted.

You have no idea how long it took me to get that above picture. I had to deal with this first. Gizmo seems to think that the sewing machine table was put there just for him.

Lastly, our family room. This is the family tree. Usually we have all the decorations the kids have made, any first Christmas decorations go on this. Instead this year we've gone simple. Reason being, that orange beastly cat(I really truly love him) has been mauling this tree. The garland is mostly shredded. The poor angel keeps getting dragged off the tree to parts unknown in the house. Her head is literally barely hanging onto her body lol.

I've also moved our nutcracker collection down here this year. There are so many of them now, I ran out of places to put them upstairs. So they circle the room on the little shelf.
Hope you've enjoyed our little tour. Thanx for tagging along.
In our dining room. I completely forgot I had bought the twig ball thingies last year. Jim is going to freak when he realizes I made holes in the new wall lol.

This is *my* tree. It's our main tree; it has all my fancy matching decorations and is usually themed. This is the second year I've gone brown and gold and I love it. And I really love my white pumpkin under the tree!

I love this picture. Why you ask? Because the wall is DONE!! And it looks fabulous. Before you say anything, the corner where the red wall and the brown wall meet, I thought I had some red paint leftover. Well, I don't lol. So that will need repainted in January.

The red chair was a birthday present and it finally arrived yesterday; only 9 days later than we were told lol. I'm so glad we finally have it. And now I am thinking that we should have gotten the ottoman to match. Maybe Santa will bring it ;)
Just after I took this next picture, Gizmo jumped up and attacked my little dried flower tree and pulled off most of the flowers :( Monster. So it's been put away. Maybe I can enjoy it next year lol.

I saw this next tree last year at a Christmas open house sale. I went back a few days later after kicking myself for not buying it. I was happily surprised that it was still there.

And because of that little tree, my kitchen Christmas decorating has changed this year. This runner usually sits on our piano bench during the holidays. But this year I could not find the Christmas table topper that normally goes in the kitchen(where it is I have no idea!!) So I put this in here and realized it matches my little tree. I think after Christmas I'll have to hit a few sales and look for some gingerbread themed decorations and go crazy with that theme in the kitchen for next year ;)

One of my new favorite spots in the house is right at our front door. This is an old sewing machine that I just got and it fits perfect. I am putting all our received Christmas cards in the star box; it is perfect! And yes, another white pumpkin! I saw on a blog in October about saving white pumpkins for Christmas and I am so glad I did. I love how unexpected they are. And if you know who blogged about them, please let me know so I can credit them for the idea. I may paint this in the new year; I haven't decided yet. I sort of like the oldness of it unpainted.

You have no idea how long it took me to get that above picture. I had to deal with this first. Gizmo seems to think that the sewing machine table was put there just for him.

Lastly, our family room. This is the family tree. Usually we have all the decorations the kids have made, any first Christmas decorations go on this. Instead this year we've gone simple. Reason being, that orange beastly cat(I really truly love him) has been mauling this tree. The garland is mostly shredded. The poor angel keeps getting dragged off the tree to parts unknown in the house. Her head is literally barely hanging onto her body lol.

I've also moved our nutcracker collection down here this year. There are so many of them now, I ran out of places to put them upstairs. So they circle the room on the little shelf.
Hope you've enjoyed our little tour. Thanx for tagging along.
the perfect man quilt

Pieced by Audrey and quilted with Happy Times, Audrey's favorite of all our patterns.
And just a note. Some regular postings(snack saturday, quilt monday, wordless wednesdays) maybe a tad sporadic over the next few weeks as I racing to get all my Christmas stuffs completed. I will still be posting though!
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