the calm before the storm

Overnight and tomorrow morning we are expecting more snow. Yesterday was a mess with freezing cold temperatures and wind. The blowing snow was so bad that most of the roads around here were closed and the city was asking people to just stay home. 

Overnight we are expecting more snow and than freezing rain tomorrow. Not looking forward to that. I doubt we will have school tomorrow; it's almost why bother for one day at this point lol.

Today I took a break from my 4 patch quilts and finished up this cutie.

I did a stipple in the white background, echoed inside the star, the hat, scarf and mittens. In the snowman body, I traced the snowflakes in the fabric. Tonight I'll embroider on the *string* that attach the mittens together.

I was fiddling with my computer today and found a special Christmas present that I hadn't blogged yet. Mom and I made 3 Christmas lap quilts for the 3 pastors at our church for Christmas. We spent a Saturday piecing the tops than got them quilted. We both spent Christmas Eve day frantically sewing the bindings to get them finished up.

This is the one I quilted. It was for our senior pastor. We used a fat quarter stack of fabrics so each quilt was similar except for the borders. 

quilted with Holly Ribbon

  You can check the rest of the quilts out at mom's blog here. 


Darlene said...

Love the snowman - very cute!

The quilt is beautiful.

Stay warm and safe!

Andy said...

Way to take advantage of those snow days girl!

QuiltSue said...

I love the quilt. Is the design your own?

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