There were 2 babies born in our church in the past 2 weeks; so I am back on baby quilt production. I had some classic Winnie the Pooh fabric left that I had wanted to use up. I went with a super easy 4patch quilt; I think the simplicity works with the timelessness of the Winnie the Pooh.

I hit my LQS' Saturday sale and got some Frolic for the next baby quilt. I love the bright colors in this line.

Today was the first Monday I've worked in a month. I'm going to attempt to take the entire month of July off so I've increased my work hours again to get all my customer quilts out. With all the end of the year activities, teacher gifts to make(I remembered those on the weekend lol), my calendar is looking rather frantic. Always seems to be the way when school comes to a close.
My highlight of today was a message I received from Rachel of PS I Quilt. Back in October, Rachel approached me about having me quilt a quilt for her that she was sending in to Irish Quilting Magazine. Of course I said yes!
A few weeks later, this beautiful quilt arrived. I quilted it up and shipped it back to Rachel and we waited. And waited. And waited.
And today, here it is.
I borrowed this picture from Rachel; I simply love the sheep in the background!

Thanx again Rachel for such a great opportunity!
You can read more about Rachel's quilt, and see better pictures, here.
Love that Pooh! I've had that fabric in the past and paired it with denim...
Congrats on having something you quilted published!!
thank you.
I saw this quilt on Rachel's site and saw that that you'd quilted it for her. I was so excited for both of you! Congratulations! It is beautiful! I love the design you quilted into it.
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