why why why??

I've put myself on a fabric diet for the month of September. No fabric purchases for the month. I haven't decided yet if that includes any new Block of the Months, purse patterns, quilt patterns... you see how it goes lol

And than I get Hamels' email newsletter and see this;

Basic Grey's Figgy Pudding. A stunning Christmas Quilt. I can resist right?


Barb said...

I am so laughing at your post....I have actually tried to do that tooo but it is like going without chocolate.

Maybe we should have a contest to see who can go without buying fabric the longest????

Jilly's Space said...

I know! I just read that email tooa and I LOVE that quilt!! I'm soooo tempted.

Betsy said...

yep, I saw that one and wished I could make it too.

rachel griffith said...

must. resist. the. urge.


Kimberly said...

Ha! I JUST looked at/drooled on that same picture!

'Fabric diet'... you funny lady! Don't you know that it's not possible?

Lorie said...

Oh, gosh...that IS lovely! I'm not sure I could resist that. Sorry...I'm of NO help!

Mary-Kay said...

I saw that quilt as a shop sample back in June and I'm still in love with it. It's gorgeous!!!! Buy it now. Sorry!

onlymehere said...

Our local fabric star used to have a bumper sticker that said "she who dies with the most fabric wins" but somehow I don't think that's winning if you have to die! I say she who makes the most out of her fabric stash wins!! Game on!

Di said...

Nope. You cannot resist. I got it and the fabric and I don't want to be alooonnnneeeee!

Buy now!

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