weekend wrap-up

I can't believe it's back to school and work(for Jim tomorrow). The Christmas break seemed to go by way too quickly this year. I've really enjoyed having the kids home and am not looking forward to getting back to routine.

I'm taking most of January off work-wise. I put in some really long hours in November and December and really need the break.

I had planned to spend the weekend finishing up a quilt top I started New Year's Eve but it got put on the back burner and I filled the weekend up with lots of fun stuffs.

Dismantling Christmas was the first thing to do this weekend. So sad to see the tree go.

I have quite the snowman collection. So many that I bring them all out in January after Christmas is put away.

The tall one I got at Michaels. There are little white lights in the holes. I painted the snowman and stamped silver snowflakes all over him. And the snowman nutcrackers; those were a steal a few years ago for $5 each at a local drugstore. I couldn't leave them behind at that price

We did a bit of shopping and I found a new friend for my sewing room.

She wasn't the only Sock Monkey I played with this weekend.

I started(and almost have finished) a fun home decorating project. I'm really excited how it's turning out and can't wait to show you.

And rounded out the weekend with freshly baked cookies. Which I believe I have eaten the most of lol!


Andy said...

great post Rhonda! I love all your snowmen! And I definitely can't wait to see your mystery project! I love the sock monkey fabric...everytime I see it I try and think of an excuse to buy it!

Peggy said...

Wow you fit a lot into a little weekend - great blog!

Susan said...

I love you little snowmen! They are so cute! (I'm a fan. . .mine come out for our Winter theme at school--I don't have nearly the collection you do!)

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