Jim left this morning for Washington DC. My plan for the day was to sew all day long. Funny how plans can change! I was even up early for me on a Saturday(8:45am!!)and I had honest intentions of attacking my pile of want to do projects but I got the urge to do some spring cleaning.
4 hours later, I had beds stripped down and sheets washed(including mattress pads!) 3 closets emptied and re-organized(with 4 garbage bags of clothes off to the local Sally Ann). Also made a yummy dinner and some very tasty(if I do say so myself) peanut butter muffins
As a result, instead of completing my first weekend project in the few hours the magazine promised, it took me more like 6 lol!! I LOVE the Quilts and More quilting magazine. This quilt is from their spring 2009 issue. It's the big block log cabin quilt. And I'm happy to tell you it is made entirely from my stash. It used up a very minimal amount so I made a fun pieced binding to go with it(sorry the picture is blurry but I'm going to be lazy and refuse to go take another one lol)

Sadly, that's all I'm going to accomplish today. I had another quick project I was already to get started on when I discovered that the applique pieces need to be enlarged 200%. At least I caught that before I started tracing and cutting them all out!
And don't forget to change your clocks ahead tonight! And that means I should probably go to bed a little early tonight, tomorrow is going to come too early!