Molten Chocolate Surprise
4 squares Semi-Sweet Chocolate
1/2 cup butter
2 whole eggs
2 egg yolks
1 cup icing sugar
1/3 cup flour
12 CHIPS AHOY! Cookies
1/2 cup thawed Whipped Topping
1 PREHEAT oven to 425°F. Microwave chocolate and butter in large microwaveable bowl on HIGH 2 min. or until butter is melted. Stir with wire whisk until chocolate is completely melted and mixture is well blended. Beat whole eggs, egg yolks, sugar and flour with wire whisk until well blended. Gradually add to chocolate mixture, beating constantly until well blended.
2 LINE 12 muffin cups with paper liners. Place 1 cookie, upside-down, on bottom of each cup; cover evenly with batter.
3 BAKE 8 min. or until cakes are firm around edges but still soft in centres. Let stand 1 min. Carefully remove cakes from muffin pan. Invert onto dessert dishes; remove paper liners. Serve with whipped topping.
Make Ahead
Batter can be prepared ahead of time. Cover tightly and refrigerate up to 24 hours. When ready to serve, pour batter evenly over cookies in prepared muffins cups and bake as directed.
Yum!! :0)
I just saw this same recipe in a cookie book. Have you made it before? Is it heavenly?
If you get a chance, check out my blog to see my quilt top...and read the story of why it is now going to be a table cover.
But it was a lot of fun and I do want to try my hand at a full blanket once I get the first poject finished!
Will you either
A: adopt me or
B: marry me or
C: move next door to me and be my bff foreva and cook alllllllllll this stuff for me every Snack Saturday and I'll eventually weigh 700 lbs and not be able to leave my house but it will all be worth it and btw I have almost every snack sat. post you've posted saved. the end ;) xoxo melzie
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