thanx to Cindy

for creating my gorgeous banner(using a quilt i made). if you are interested in a banner of your own or a cool watermark for your pictures, you can reach Cindy here. thanx Cindy!!


Cindy @ Creating at Home said...

You're welcome! I'm glad you were able to get it installed! There's a way to remove that border, but I'm not sure how to explain it. :-( Does anyone out there have easy instructions? :-)

dawnmercedes said...

Wow! This is awesome!...Cindy is so talented and you are one great blogger. What a way to memoralize a quilt!

noee01 said...

Looks great R!

(to remove the extra border, you need to go into your html and change the border to 0 px - I've done it, but I can't remember where exactly I did it. That being said, I did do it, so it wasn't that! Just need to play around with it - remember to save a copy of your html before making any changes, so you can always go back to what you had!)

QuiltNut Creations said...

thanx Noee, i'll try that

Anonymous said...

It looks really good - I like it :-)

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