i'm going to have a giveaway this weekend. i will send the winner this rooster card and a few other goodies. all you need to do is comment on this post and let me know when your birthday is(don't have to tell the year lol) and let other's know of my giveaway.
will have Jim pick a name on Sunday the 18th.
rooster stamp is an Anne Griffin stamp and i purchased him at Micheals :)
I love the rooster! Who makes it?
My birthday is June 1/62 and I'm proud of it.
Neat. I'm just getting into stamping. I went to a card making party before Christmas.
My birthday is Feb. 17th.
It just so happens that my Bday is Feb. 18. 1962 hope you get lots of comments. I just love the rooster card.
I really like the colors on the card. Very cute! My b-day is Nov. 14.
my birthday is Febraury 2nd.
Love the card - PICK ME RHONDA, PICK ME!!
Oh yeah, my birthday is April 22nd, but I already told you that.
Hi Rhonda, I love your rooster card, I now have to see if my micheals carrys it.
My birthday is March 14.
Happy Birthday Jim.
Sherry Heinrich
Hi Rhonda
New to t his blog, love your rooster card (any one who knows me well knows I love animals stamps :lol:)
My birthday is Sept 19
Erica T
May 3! :-)
What a nice give away! Beautiful card and I love those big flowers, too!
my birthday is june 8. what a pretty card!
Hi Rhonda,
Happy Birthday, Jim!
Your site is great! Whenever I pop over for a visit, it never ceases to amaze me how busy you must be! Your cards and quilts are simply gorgeous!
Very cute rooster card and love the big primas! Aren't these giveaways fun!
My birthday is June 10th. :)
Ohhh Rhonda what a nice give away, I have become a regular of checking your blog...keep up the great work!!! Happy belated b-day to Jim! Ohh my b-day k, I will tell the year but only because it looks neat all together. 07/07/73 neat hey! When I used to tig weld air craft engines (a little FYI) my employee # was 1773 anyway 7 is definatley my fav #...lol..can you tell:)
Hi Rhonda, Thanks for the opportunity. My birthday is March 1st. Love the card :) Great blog too!!
Chantale Leclair
Hi Rhonda,
My birthday is Feb 1, 1962.
I loved your card, Happy B-day to Jim.
Laura Haviland
Fabulous Blog !
My bd is 12-14 but I never celebrate it. I am always too depressed that its just winter coming up instead of hot weather. I crawl out of my hole abou tthe first of May.
Hi there,
I really like the birthday card you made for your husband, I can see you have great creativity there.
My birthday is March 2nd. It's coming soon and I don't mind telling I will be 53.
I think there is lots of miles left in this bod hehehe.
I'm going to go on and look at the rest of your blog. I've glanced at some of your quilts and they are beautiful. Quilting is something I always admired but never could set myself down long enough to get try doing it. I say good on anyone who accomplishes any quilting projects.
Thanks for having the giveaway.
Take care
Hey! I forgot!
Happy Birthday Jim. I hope you have a great day.
I'd hug ya but I might get caught hahahaha. Well it would just be a cyber hug *smile*. So why not?
*hug* Have another year greater than the last.
Happy Birthday to your husband.
What I wanted to congratulate on is the wonderful quilts. Your art is a wonderful thing.
Happy stamping
I forgot to tell you when my birthday is March 22 and I will be old lol
Happy Birthday Jim! I hope its a good one. I love your beautiful quilts.
What a nice selection of blog candy. My birthday is July 31.
I love the quilt you made Rhonda. "Maybe" one day I'll get into learning how to do such a thing! :-) In the meantime, I'm happily addicted to stamping!
My birthday is the infamous Sept. 11. *sigh*
Thanks for the chance to enter your give-away.
Your quilts and cards are very nice! I wish I could be good at doing more than one thing. I love the colors you use!
As for the blog candy, my birthday is 3/14. Happy Birthday to Jim. :o)
Hi Rhonda,
Happy Birthday Jim!!
Of course, after seeing this rooster card, I want THIS set! Great blog!! Your quilts are just beautiful!
Have a great day, Cheryl
Love the Rooster Card.....love your blog. My birthday is September 21st!!! TFS :o)
Cindy Coffman
Just found your blog...will be back! Great Candy!! Happy Bday to Jim :0)
My bday is Oct 5th.
My birthday is September 4th. zWhat a great card!
Happy Birthday Jim, this ribbon looks absolutely scrummy, I am so in love with ribbon, wish we could get stuff as easy in UK, boohoo so thanks to Jim we get the chance! yipee, my birthday is 15 July (St Swithins Day) thanks for this great chance - will be sitting with crossed fingers and toes, he he
Cute rooster. My MIL Loves Anna Griffin stamps too. My birthday is August 2/77 (big 3-0 coming up!)
That's a great card! My birthday is April 2 and the year...well, it was about the time the earth's crust was cooling!
Diane Young
nice card and real nice blog . My b.day is february 13th . yup I just had my 64th. I really like your quilts .
Great card! Great blog candy!! love your blog! My bday is may 26th I'm all by myself in May most of my family is Jan- March and everyone forgets about it :(.
Hey Quilty!
Great site, I am going to enjoy going thru it. Love your work, and its nice to get to see those gorgeous quilts of yours scroll past!
GREAT rooster card. he's pretty demure looking isn't he. Thanks for passing this on!!!
Kerrs (aka Giggly-Puff)
My birthday is July 7...TFS!
My birthday is Feb.3 1978 :)!
Mine is February 12th and I just turned 34 :0) WOULD LOVE TO WIN THIS!!
My birthday is Aug 3rd...the day Columbus left to discover America!
What a great blog! My birthday is October 17...and I will not be celebrating it this year....I was born in 1947! Yikes! How did I get this old??? LOL!
What a nice RAK. My birthday is March 22nd. I'll be the ripe old age of 26. LOL! :-)
Even my dh is already in his thirties (well 31).
Happpy Birthday to Jim...hope it was a good one! My birthday is Dec.19th
Hi Rhonda! Wow, just had a chance to look at your slideshow.... love your quilts and cards. What talent! My bd is November 21.
Hi Rhonda!
My birthday is Feb 25th 1952 and proud of it!
HaPpY BiRtHdAy JiM! Wow I am so glad I came here for this! Your blog is wonderful! And now I know what you look like...gorgeous!! Talented and beautiful too..its just not fair haha. My bday is June 16.
(AKA jessethekid TP)
*blush* forgot to add that my birthday is March 19th.
Kerrs (Giggly-Puff)
That is such a pretty card! Where is the Rooster stamp from?
My b-day is Nov 14.
that rooster card is so lovely! my birthday is july 29th. =)
Love the rooster...and the flowers are pretty nice too! :-)
My bday is TAX day :( April 15. Oh well. Happy bday to the hubbie!
Hope I am not too late, my birthday is in April, April 13th as a matter of fact, sometimes it's funny because my birthday will fall on a FRIDAY THE 13TH AND GOOD FRIDAY at the same time. Year 1975, I'm not embrassed, 32 is great!!!! LOL
I just found your blog and LOVE it !I have yet to win any blog candy-but keep on trying! I LOVE the cute little rooster!! Gail
Great card! Glad I happened upon your blog! Dec 24 is my bday.. Ugh!! ;)
September 17
Actually I just celebrated my 36th birthday on February 3rd!! Love the card and those ribbons look lovely!! Great blog, by the way!
Love the rooster! Thanks for sharing with us! Dec. 2nd for me! Christine
I hope I'm not too late! Just checked your blog now and saw you're having a giveaway! (Gonna have to email my 2 stampin' friends quickly!) Big Heidi Sawpp flowers and American Crafts ribbon...oh my! =) And that card! Love it! Looks so good with those dots! I'm attracted to images of roosters; I like their French Provençale look. They also remind me of my mother...I guess because she's from Portugal and the rooster is a *very* important symbol with a wonderful legend.
Oh! Almost forgot; my b-day is in May. Happy B-day, Jim! =)
My birthday is March 9. Carol H.
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