Tuesday Time Out

Today I joined Kim and Andrea for their weekly Tuesday Time-Out sewing day. Today's plan was to work on some Swoon blocks.

I didn't want to make the entire quilt so I settled on doing 4 blocks. And these blocks are huge; finishing at 24 inches.

I got 1 block finished; well almost finished. I will admit to having the seam ripper out a few times. More times than I thought I would lol.

Habitat by Michele D'Amore for Benartex
Can't wait to finish more blocks! 


QuiltSue said...

That's a lovely pattern, but I read there are 83 pieces in one block? That's a lot of pieces, even if it is a 24" block.

Three Birds Inspired said...

I am going to start this pattern when I am on retreat and I am feeling just a little intimidated. I am going to pre-cut and take just take enough pieces to make a couple of blocks. Do you think that it is too complicated to expect 2 blocks done over a weekend with a big group of women?

Sharon Pernes said...

You have talked me into this pattern. It looks easier than I thought (I am the HST queen), although it does look like it will be a challenge to get the points right.
Thanks for the inspiration

Kimberly said...

It's not intimidating... you just need good coffee, good friends, and good tunes (in no particular order!)

And I won't admit how many times I used my seam ripper.

QuiltNut Creations said...

@QuiltSue yes, 83 pieces, so if you go for the full 80x80 quilt, that's 747 pieces lol!

QuiltNut Creations said...

@Suzan I think you could do more than 2 blocks Suzan. If I had pre-cut, I think I would have gotten more done but then, the seam ripper was out a few times lol.

Marianne Penner said...

Great fabrics for a beautiful block Rhonda!

Heather D. said...

Wonderful swoon block!! I love your fabric choice.

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