This is a heavily appliqued quilt and the backing fabric was really stiff and unfun. I knew it needed a quick wash to make it all cozy and comfy.
I'm thrilled wtih how nicely it washed up. It hardly looks washed; just well loved. I'll apologize in advance for the crappy pictures; had curling this afternoon and missed taking pictures in the gorgeous sunshine we were blessed with today.
I actually quilted this way back in August and just got around to finishing the binding(and I still have 6 quilts to finish binding on that I have yet to blog lol!) I got this kit from Quilts Canada in May.
Quilted with Ribbon Rose.
The backing fabric is one we have at work. When we purchased it, we weren't' aware of how stiff the fabric would be once opened so we've saved it for our own quilts. It matched this one perfectly and washed up beautifully.
What an adorable quilt!!
I was going to comment that I always wash but that isn't true (now that I think about it!) I wash all that are going to be used for babies or on beds but wall hangings, table runners and table mats don't get washed until they are dirty.
It's lovely but I'm wondering how you dried the quilt to keep it from getting all puckered.
I love this pattern and the colours! :) :)
And I'm a washer. Not that I quilt, but I love the feeling of soft fabric after it's been washed.
I wash all our clothes before wearing them.
A sweet quilt there Rhonda! 8-)
Wow, that one turned out lovely. Thank you for sharing.
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