how to sneak out of work early

Find this hanging on your longarm machine!!


Myra said...

I've never seen such a bug/spider!!! Ewwwww... Do they bite? That would scare me out of a room...
I hope you killed it...

Quilter Going Bananas said...

did you shreik or jump first? Ewww I hate bugs...

villagegirl said...

Oh my. That is vomitous! I would have screamed and left the room running! :)

Barbara Sindlinger said...

What kind of spider is that. I would have gotten a shoe and whacked it till it was smooshed.

Shelley: the Dread Pirate Rodgers said...

eeekkk!!!! If it didn't jump at me, I'd try very hard to kill it with something BIG.

I don't mind spiders .. really .. They can have the corners of the ceiling; I don't mind that. But they absolutely HAVE to stay OUT of my airspace. :-)

Elizabeth said...

That is completely creepy and disgusting. I would find the biggest, hardest thing I could (like a 2'x4') and whack it. Ick, ick, ick!

xo -El

Sarah said...

What the heck is that?! I don't like it at all. Sorry you had to see that! You would hear me scream from here if that was in my house..

Tracy.H said...

Ew, ew, ew, ew! What was that?

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