I'll admit the (fake) spider in Maria's kitchen got my heart pumping pretty good. Not what I was expecting to see lol.

Marcia made the cutest dolls for her girls for Christmas. Tonight Marcia was making little shoes for them.

Sarah working hard on another messenger bag. I didn't get a picture of the finished product sadly. It is so cute!

Andrea started cutting out a beautiful flannel quilt. For some reason I don't have a picture of her working hard. All I've got is this lol!

Cindy and I decided to work on our Thangles blocks. I was very happy to see that I only had 3 more blocks to finish. Now to start assembling the quilt!

Once I got those finished, I made some 9patch blocks for a table runner giftie I've been asked to make. Love the Wildflower Serenade line.

Again, it was another fun Bag Ladies night. Even if a lot bags weren't created this time around lol. Can't wait until the next one.
that spider is gross.
are they the Kit, Chloe and Louise dolls? I made one for my niece last christmas...I'm getting ready to make a couple more (after I finish cleaning and organizing all my craft crap!) they're adorable!
um, have I thanked you yet for the LOVELY picture of Edward and I??? Ewww, gross, on both counts! Anyway, at least I got some cutting done!
So productive!! I really like your Thangles blocks, and those tiny little dolly shoes? So sweet!!
I came here to steal a photo from your blog for my scrapbook... but this pic is exceptionally bad of me, so I think I'll pass. Not sure what to do for the Bag Ladies page in my book... I should learn to take a bit more time on my hair before leaving the house on bag nights, because of COURSE there is going to be lots of photos taken :)
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