Neither one of us were getting anything done when we started talking about this post on decorating.

We have a huge wall in the living/dining room that is wallpapered. It was wallpapered when we moved in. I pulled the wallpaper off to paint instead and discovered 1970's dark paneling. So I took the easy route and slapped up new wallpaper.
I've wanted to put drywall right up over the wallpaper and start fresh. I just had to convince Jim lol. Than Cindy and I were wondering, what type of paneling was back there?
So we looked.

Just a little bit. I figured if we looked at a small section, I could easily hide it. It's not like we use the dining room for more than folding laundry lol.
But than, the wallpaper literally just peeled off the wall. So we kept going.

We pulled all the wallpaper down when I realized, maybe we should take the chair rail down too? lol

A quick clean up. And we were hoping to sneak out for our lunch date before Jim realized what was going on.

We even moved everything back. Sure looks different. Jim and I have decided to attempt to pain the paneling. Should be entertaining. Good thing I love painting. Anyone want to come help?

I would, but I'm real, reallll busy over the next few days. ;-)
You two are hilarious!! Man, I miss out on all the fun!! Sorry I am out of town till Saturday late, and then work again come Sun, Mon, etc. lol. Sorry I can't help you paint..... :P
Paint the paneling!! Woo hoo!! My mother is driving me crazy to come and take down the wallpaper in her guest room, paint the paneling that they used like wainscoting and totally refresh the room. Let me know how your painting goes. If it doesn't make me insane, after the bedroom she wants the family room in the basement done. That will be a joy because it is a CAVE down there with the dark paneling, one small window and a big slider covered with vertical blinds. Seriously - a cave!
Panel painting is just like painting walls. Now your paneling might be the real thing like walnut or some other nice wood so you might want to check that out.
My mother had her whole mobile home paint, every room has paneling ... purchased in 1975.
We painted the paneling in our family room ... it's red.
facing walls are red, end walls are cream. My paneling was primed first because we were using red which takes a mininum of 2 coats. It's been 8yrs and we still love it. two sure know how to have fun, don't you!? ;0)
What a couple of troublemakers! I love that you went for it and discovered what was behind that wall!
LOL I'd do that too but then my DH would be mad at me...
If you really want to hide the paneling I believe there is a liner paper that you can purchase that fills in the grooves on the paneling so that when you paint it looks more like a drywalled wall.
It will look wonderful when sure got alot done...
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