quilt monday

Using my leftover Quilt A Long blocks, I made this for my brother and sister in law who so kindly let us stay with them while we were on holidays last week.

Quilted with Tendril


Cindy @ Creating at Home said...

I love the borders on this!

did you know your new moon video plays automatically when someone comes to your blog? Makes me jump out of my skin everytime. LOL

Three Birds Inspired said...

Wow! That's a lot of left over blocks!!

Quilter Going Bananas said...

Love the fabric you used. You DID have a lot of leftovers, eh? LOL

Barb said...

I agree with Suzanne, that is alot of left overs...but it looks wonderful and I am sure they will love it.

Peg - Happy In Quilting said...

Wow that is gorgeous...what a fantastic gift.

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