wordless wednesday


Creative Expressions by Stephanie said...

I really like your wordless pictures they are always so nice!!

QuiltNut Creations said...

thanx Stephanie. i try to keep them interesting lol

this wasn't what i had originally planned on posting. this guy(a cooper hawk) showed up in our apple tree yesterday and got into a fight with a squirrel. the hawk was kind enough to stay around and let me take a few pictures

Barb said...

What a really cool hawk! Love the branches.. cool pic!

Anonymous said...

Great pic Quiltie!

I actually got a great shot of a hawk (it looked different than this one though - smaller maybe) the other day right out my back door - it chased another bird down and landed with it in it's clutches on my deck! It's a cool picture, but I didn't post it as I wasn't sure if everyone wanted to look at the circle of life, lol.

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