'i changed my mind'

words to fear as a quilter. when i got to make a quilt, i rarely have to buy fabric. between my stash and my mom's, there are a few choices. so a few weeks ago when i was asked to make a quilt, i was surprised when i had nothing that worked with the focal fabric. so $55 later(i know its not a huge amount but that's not really the point lol) i had the fabric needed for the quilt.

next step is to wash it, iron all the fabric and in some cases(this being one of them) i precut and put all the pieces in ziploc baggies to keep it together. i was very excited about this quilt-it was a quick easy pattern i had chosen and i loved the colors.

than, i heard the words. 'i changed my mind. i want these colors instead'. so there i sit, fabric is basically useless for anything else. i had nothing in the new chosen colors and i was seriously debating just forgetting the whole thing(trust me, wouldn't have gone over well)

suddenly inspiration. mom(truthfully, it was dad made the quilt. 100% honest truth) had the perfect border fabric. i could still use the fabric i had waiting at home and add this perfectly themed fabric. i was saved!

and after spending most of the afternoon/evening sewing, it looks fantastic!


Cindy @ Creating at Home said...

Come on! You can't give us that teaser and not show us the quilt. ;-)

QuiltNut Creations said...

i hope to later today. i'm almost finished the blocks

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