being the Martha Stewart wannabe that i am, i had the idea that for teacher gifts this year, i would make a variety of tasty goodies. the plan was solid-start baking 10days before the last day of school. make 1 goodie/day-lots of extras and selection.
fast forward to today-2 days left of school. all previously made snacks eaten. panic sets in. run to store to buy teacher gifts(gotta love the stores that mark Christmas items 50% off the week before Christmas!)
than, brainstorm. take remaining treats(sugar cookies, carmel shortbread squares(both recipes below!) chocolate balls(no, they aren't timbits lol!) and chocochip shortbread cookies) and deliver to staff room in the morning. win best student mommy of the year award lol!!
Oh god. I just remembered who I forgot to buy a gift for! The two best teachers in the world, that's who!
Send me some goodies? LOL
They look delicious!
opps! quick trip to the mall in the morning? lol
i don't think the goodies made it to lunch at school lol
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