odds and ends

 I've been sneaking in time here and there to finish, and start, new projects. 

I'm not making any Christmas presents this year which is weird but it's giving me some time to work on other things :)

I finished another baby quilt. This one is one of my favourites.

I needed it a little larger and had just enough of the grey to give it a bit of length

This next one seemed to take absolutely forever to finish up considering I was just sewing 2.5inch squares together.
I actually started this all the way back in May.

Sorry for the terrible pictures but it was night and I was so excited to have finally finished.
There are just over 1000 2.5inch squares in total.

And just because, I decided to make myself another Christmas quilt.
Can not wait to start on this!

1 comment:

Jenny said...

You are so right, you cannot have too many Christmas quilts!

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