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Hello readers! Hello April! Hello spring?

I can't believe our spring break has already come and gone. We had a fabulous break from school and work. Here's a bit of a what we did.

I went to a craft night with some friends and managed to get some stamping done. 

I only got 6 cards done but it's 6 cards I didn't have before 
We did a major garden clean up last weekend; we had spring than lol. 

should have moved the pot before taking the picture lol. a new plant purchase from the home and garden show.

A visit to the local sewing show brought home the following goodies.

so many projects, so little time!
As for quilting, not nearly enough happened. I got this far on a little boy quilt.

Today was my first day back to work and I managed to get two quilts done; awesome way to kick off a work week!


Darlene said...

A very good week, indeed. Glad you relaxed and had fun.

Awesome start to a new work week. woohoo!!!

Terri in BC said...

Hey, cool! That's my Orca Bay on the frame - I recognize the fabrics! I can't wait to see it in person. Looks like you had a good week, see you tomorrow!

Doreen said...

Wow! Great week! Yup, I think Spring is here, too (keep trying to forget last year's 10"+ snowfall on April 15/16!!!!-( ). Off to the sewing room! Hugs, Doreen

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