Tomorrow, I am having surgery. It's very routine surgery; but the recovery is going to take six weeks. Six incredibly loooooooooooong weeks.
I have finished quilts to bind,
Some new embroidery blocks to play with. And lots of secret stuffs to show.
I figure I'll be bored spitless within two weeks; we'll see how the recovery is going.
Blogging over the next week(maybe a bit longer) will be sporadic. I'm doing last minute baking/laundry/cleaning and spending time with the kids; don't want to spend that time scheduling some posts.
See you soon.
Good luck with the surgery and a speedy recovery. There's nothing like a whole lot of binding to speed up your recovery.
I hope your surgery goes well and that you have a speedy recovery. Looks like you have prepared yourself for the long 6 weeks....
Good luck with the surgery. I hope you recover quickly. After I had emergency gall bladder removal, I spent my recovery time hand quilting a king-sized wholecloth quilt.
Good luck. Having had rotator cuff surgery 4 weeks ago and still having a long recover, I know how long 6 weeks can seem. I still have 2 more weeks in a sling and 3-5 more months in physical therapy. Hope you heal fast!
ooho, that pile of quilts looks pretty impressive girl! Wish I had a stack ready to bind...good luck with recovery!
Good luck with your recovery! I am having surgery this summer and will be off for 6 weeks as well...wondering what kind of great crafts I can do to pass the time! haha
Best wishes to you with the surgery, and your recovery time Rhonda... Take care! 8-)
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