it's time

To kick the quilting into high gear with Christmas lurking around the corner. This year, my goal is to have all my customer quilts done and delivered by December 1st. So far it looks like that is going to happen. Fingers crossed!

Heather always gets the neatest fabrics. Heather brought in three matching quilts in October for the Harrison Mills Quilt show. All three quilts were quilted with my current favorite pattern,

Folk Heart, and SoFine thread. The quilts are all basically identical and were so quick and fun to-do.

Look how beautiful the pattern shows up on the backing.

When Heather picked up these, she brought in this beauty. How gorgeous is this fabric?!

Quilted with Camellia.

If you are interested in this quilt, Heather wants to sell it. I just might have to give it a new home ;)


Barb said...

I love the colours of the quilt that Heather made. LOVE.

Monica said...

I love the Camellia! It really looks good on that they were made for one another.

Jacque. said...

WOW! All gorgeous quilts with gorgeous quilting!

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