Debbie contacted me back in February. A friend had lost both of her parents to cancer 7 months apart approx 4 1/2 years ago. Prior to her mother passing away she had taken all the cowboy shirts she and her husband had bought over the years and started to make quilts out of them. She only managed to finish one single size leaving 3 more to do. Debbie wanted to help out so she offered to finish the others.
This is what she came up with.

The quilt ended up being 113inches square. And Debbie still has more shirts to make quilts out of.
One of my favorites shirts in the quilt was this armadillo one.

Quilted with
Very cool!
How wonderful to help someone that is having challenges in their life. Good for you two! 8-)
Looking good!
great job ladies...beautiful !
Great job, very cool!
That is really neat!
What a lovely memory - good for Debbie
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