The day was going pretty good. Then I started to buttonhole a wall hanging I was trying to get finished up. And wouldn't you know it, my sewing machine decides to just konk out. I can sew it straight lines but buttonholing? No go. So I than go to do the fun task of ripping out buttonholing and not destroy my wallhanging. Luckily, the only casualty was a leaf that hadn't stuck all the way when I ironed down the applique; not a big deal
The big deal was(is? lol) I wanted to finish this TODAY. Not next week(or who know's when my machine will be repaired) *sigh* It's cute though isn't it? To save myself a step, I was buttonholing through the batting and backing as well for quilting; I really like that look. Plus it's faster in most cases lol

And not to be discouraged, I pulled out a layer cake I've been saving and went at it. Got it all cut up and it is currently being worked into a new project.

I've had this layer cake for a few months and truth be told, only bought it because of the top piece of fabric. I was very pleased with the yummy prints and colors that were revealed as I cut my way through it
And here I thought you meant actual (chocolate) layer cake when I read your comment on Twitter!! lol This layer cake looks very nice! What pattern are you using?
Love your wall hanging, hope your machine will be fixed soon.
Sorry about your machine....but I do love your wall hanging...
very cute wall hanging Rhonda! Sorry your machine is under the weather...mine is showing signs of illness as well:~(
That is a gorgeous wall-hanging! I love the pinwheels in the corners.
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