This one is for me; a new wall hanging for our bedroom wall. No, the binding isn't completed yet; have been too busy doing other project at night when I usually do binding

One of my favorite parts is the pieced backing using two extra rows from the quilt. The white bit is the hanging sleeve. This is a charm square pattern I found here

Quilted with what is quickly becoming a new favorite of mine, Tendril
And just because it is so pretty right now in bloom, our trumpet vine

Tune in later to see what mischief was had last night
hey, your blog posts and pictures just keep getting better and better!! I love the photos in this post... so beautiful and artsy. The quilt is nice, too!!
Love all the soft colors in that quilt -- just beautiful!
The quilt is fantastic! Love the colors. And the back is fabulous. I also love Trumpet vine. Thanks for sharing.
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