I used to all the time. I don't like using my long ruler so I found this way easier. Want to know what else I found? That 9 times out of 10, my fabric strips cut with a bow at the fold. See how this one bows?(sorry for the picture quality, I could have used extra hands for these lol) The ruler is laid straight, look at the fabric.

When this happened to me, I assumed that the fabric wasn't folded straight. So I would unfold it, iron it flat, refold it and cut again. And guess what? Another bow!
Want to know how to prevent those? Using a long ruler and keeping your fabric folded with 1 fold lol

And don't forget the Whirl into Winter. Giveaway Details can be found here!!
And I thought I was the only one! I can NEVER double fold my fabric. Thanks for making me feel better! LOL
Great tip! I need to get back in the habit of using my long ruler... the cuts are much more accurate with it. A new rotary blade would also help.
Yup! Been there, done that! There is a reason for using that long ruler, though we don't always like to! Live and learn... 8-)
Happy stitchings!
I've not been one to maste the double fold technique. I like the single fold method. Less mistakes for me. Once I have my strip, I use the small ruler to do my cuts!Cheers!
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