JELL-O "Dive-on-In" Cake
1 pkg. (2-layer size) cake mix, any flavour
2 cups boiling water
2 pkg. (85 g each) JELL-O Berry Blue Jelly Powder
4 cups ice cubes
2 cups thawed Whipped Topping
Decorations, such as OREO Cookies, TEDDY GRAHAMS Cookies, ring-shaped chewy fruit snack, fish-shaped chewy fruit snacks, sharks or worms
1 PREPARE cake batter and bake in 13x9-inch baking pan as directed on package. Cool completely.
2 INVERT cake onto large platter; remove pan. Using a serrated knife, cut and scoop out a shallow rectangle from centre of cake, leaving a 2-inch border of cake on all sides and a thin layer of cake on the bottom. Reserve removed cake for snacking or other use.
3 STIR boiling water into dry jelly powder in large bowl at least 2 min. until completely dissolved. Add ice cubes; stir until jelly begins to thicken. Remove any unmelted ice. Pour thickened jelly into centre of cake. Refrigerate 4 hours.
4 FROST borders of cake with whipped topping. Decorate with remaining ingredients as desired to resemble a swimming pool. Store in refrigerator.
My goodness...that is so cute! :o)
Kori made this cake for Karli's birthday one year. Check her blog archives for July 2005 or 2006 for pics (or just email Kori! haha)
Okay...that is just too cute!! :0)
That is just too cute!!!
This is adorable... and it looks yummy too! If only I had the patience to do stuff like this. lol
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