guess what i did tonight???
QUILTED!!!! yes, you read that right! with my Christmas cards all completed, i can finally get some quilting of my own done. and good thing too since i have 3 Christmas projects i haven't even started yet lol!

so this is done. no, it's not a Christmas present. i have no idea where or what i will do with this since i made another charm square quilt last month for the wall above our bed. i haven't machine quilted that one yet either lol!!
Pretty quilt...I am the "Princess of All Things Moda" so I especially like this one! I have 4 or 5 charm packs of Chocolat that I have every intention of turning into a quilt for my queen size bed as soon as I finish EVERYTHING else I need to complete!
Gorgeous...I love that line. I just got some charms for my birthday..
Sorry that someone stole your christmas decorations..I hate it when I hear things like this.
Happy Holidays! chris
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