batting horror

i had a customer quilt due tomorrow. due to some rush jobs, i was stuck quilting it today. it turned into a nightmare. the customer had bought thick polyester batting from a local fabric store, it was seriously an inch thick

when the customer came, she asked if i could somehow quilt a heart somewhere in the quilt. mom piped up and said it would be cute to quilt a double heart in each of the 4 corners. i ended up quilting them on a regular sewing machine(using rainbow thread-it worked great!) this is the back of the hearts-i wasn't thrilled with how the front turned out. it was so hard turning the quilt for the heart because of the thick batting. mom's going to owe me for that lol!

all in all, i'm not happy with it. i used Medium Meander by Trillium house(LOVE that meander pattern!) the batting created waves/puckers in the quilt-i actually wore out a titanium needle on the machine. the thickness of the batting distorted the Betty Boop squares a bit as well. i'm worried the customer will be unhappy with it. she wanted a puffy quilt and we told her the batting may be an issue. i can't change it now

edited to add that she loved the quilt!


Lisa said...

Ones we're not sure of are the hardest to hand back, aren't they? Puffy batting can be a nightmare to quilt. Especially when people are picturing a duvet while they're making their quilt!
Hope she loves it for all it's puffy-ness.


QuiltNut Creations said...

thanx Lisa. mom said this is the last one like this we do lol. tonight my arms are actually sore from dragging poor Millie throught the puffiness.

its such a pretty quilt-i love that Betty Boop fabric

Sarah said...

this is awesome!!! I am not a quilter, or even a sewer (unless scrapbook pages and cards count... just started doing that!!) but I think you did an amazing job! She sure should be happy with it!

Granny said...

I can see how this was a bit "not fun" to quilt but it surely turned out cute!

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