How was everyone's Christmas? We had a great holiday here. As busy as it can be, I do love it all. The family get togethers, the dinner parties, the food, it's all fun! But now all the out of town guests are gone, the leftovers are mostly eaten and it's time to relax for a few days before the hustle and bustle of work and school take over again.
Christmas 2011 |
Yesterday I finally got reacquainted with my sewing machine; oh how I have missed it. And the fun we had!
I finally got the borders on this baby quilt.
please ignore the water spots |
It's been finished since July and just sat waiting and waiting for the border. Now it's finally finished and all in good time as we had a new little one enter our family just before Christmas.
Never up,
mom's Christmas present that I gave up on getting completed before Christmas.
The pattern called for the quilt to be in reds and greens. Mom is not a red and green person; regardless if it is Christmas. I thought if I pieced it in her colors(I raided her batik fabrics to make the quilt); I could still pull it off.
This is the quilt from the magazine
I tried mom's quilt with the snowflakes and it just doesn't work. And I love the quilt without so it is done. Now how to quilt it. Any ideas?
Next up, Dad's quilt. The idea of this quilt came about 3yrs ago. I had the fabric all shoved into a plastic bag in my quilt kit bin and each birthday and Christmas since, I have said I would finish(start lol) the quilt. This was the year!
Sadly, I used the main focal fabric in a different project and I didn't have the pattern anymore so I sort of winged it. I had the quilt together, was sewing the final border on it last night when I realized, I could make it a wall banner so I ripped it apart, turned some blocks around and now we have this.
Can't wait to get this quilt so Dad can hang it in his music room.
I traced out some Santa wallhangings that I was planning as giving as gifts. I completed 2, the other 3 were just traced. I got those finished up; now just to blanket stitch them.
Aren't they cute? Here's one of the finished ones.
Lastly, a winter wallhanging for
work .
He's been cut out since the beginning of December and now all ready to be quilted. And we can finally take the
autumn wallhanging down lol!
Whew that was a long blog post! Enjoy the rest of the holidays, see you next year!